This is my narrative paragraph and I turned it to a full blown story. TO A PARAGRAPH TO A FULL BLOWN STORY I heard about this story in my hometown in Ginatilan, Cebu. There is a big ang old Acacia tree at the back of the municipal building. This story I'm gonna tell is about the story of Aya and Kasha. Kasha is the daughter of the sultan , while Aya is a son of a fisherman. One day, when Aya went fishing with his father he saw a beautiful, lovely golden boat. Aboard it was the sultan and Kasha. Aya was attracted by the beauty of Kasha while Kasha was also attracted to Aya. The sultan observed Kasha looking at the fishermen. He was utterly disgusted and told the men on the boat to row faster. The waves hit Aya and his father. At home Aya's father was frustrated about the situation but instead of plotting revenge he remained humble and forgot about what happened. Then he told Aya to be careful around people even if you know them or not. The next day, Aya went to the forest to g...