My brothers peculiar chicken is a story written by Alejandro R. Roces. It is a story about Kiko's chicken that looks so peculiar and behaved peculiarly. It caused an argument. It made her mother cry. It started a riot. And in the end it left the question of its sex an open question. In this blog I'm going to talk about the story "MY BROTHER'S PECULIAR CHICKEN" on how is it connected to the culture and religion of the Filipinos. I will also share my reaction and conclusion at the end.

Between mother and father, they got into an argument because of the chicken. They where arguing about nonsensical things. My opinion about this situation is that it is a bad habit to fight about a nonsensical situation. There is a consistent pattern of significance across all models, including the full model, which indicates that the father's influence is as strong as the mother's, if not stronger. These results refute the existing literature that devalues the effect of the father's influence on religious transmission.

       Gambling and entertainment, cock fight "Sabong" is a Filipino national pastime event that is still ongoing. It gives you unique thrills in the company of a special class of men. It is a hobby, a sporting event, and a gambling instance all rolled into one. It has an enduring, unwritten rule of integrity and honesty. For me it is bad because gambling is illegal. It is illegal because problems caused by excessive gambling are not just financial. Too much time spent on gambling can also lead to relationship and legal problems, job loss, mental health problems including depression and anxiety, and even suicide. The Roman Catholic Church gradually adopted a more liberal attitude towards gambling, which continues today. Games of chance are not considered as sinful in themselves, but only when they become addictive and when deprive someone of what is necessary to provide for his needs and those of others’, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. So, you can play it for fun, but be warned not to play in excess.

      Kiko and his brother still argued about the chicken and their mother warns them because they where arguing while eating. When eating, we should observe proper table manners and if you are about to talk, pick a topic that won't be offensive or something that would ruin the pleasant mood around the dining table. Based in our religion, it is not good to fight or argue during meals because God is always present and give us blessings during meals.


       Therefore I conclude that everything in this world is unique like the peculiar chicken in the story because there were many people involved or gathered just to justify the gender of the chicken till it lay an egg. This story is related to some Filipino culture like cock fighting. Until now, some are still using this for their pastime specially sundays and some holidays in their barangays or towns during some occasions. But some religious people don't do cock fighting because it's against our faith that involves money which is gambling.


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