Intramurals is where we have fun and play games.  Simply, showing you're talent on things, or doing things you're good at or having adventures on how to play games. Intramurals is also a part where teams compete to one another. In intramurals you need to have the sportsmanship. It's always one wins and one loses. If you lose it's okay. Learn to accept the lose in every game and be sportsmanship.

   For me, this intramurals was very fun and enjoying. 3 years that we didn't experience this kind of event, and I missed it. I played various types of games and showed my talent which is dancing. I tried my best in all and gave effort to all the things i did.

   The volleyball match I participated in went well, and we won. We defeated our adversary, the green dragons. The Golden Lions were our opponent in the following game, but since we lost to them, we got to play the Green Dragons in the losers vs. winners matchup. In the end, we were unable to defeat them, and our volleyball team took third place. 


   Opening of intrams is where i got to do what i love to do, which is dancing. We danced for the showcase of muses and escorts. Which is a very nice feeling for me that i got to do what i love to do and show it to people. The muse and escorts were all so charming and gravishing. I was so amazed on how they carry their selves in the spotlight.

    Another game I played was singles badminton, i wasn't in the list to play badminton that time but there weren't any players available at the time, so I participated so that our team won't be forfeited. The green dragons were my first opponent, and although our scores were close, I was unable to prevail. Red falcons served as my second opponent. I didn't have a chance to win, thus I came in fourth overall. 

   This intramurals got me feeling so mixed emotions. I cried, smile, laugh and had fun. I learned a lot this intramurals. I learned that it's okay to lose atleast you did your best in everything that you do and never gave up. I learned that communication is the best key to let your team win. After all, all of the games we're  fair and we still have the friendship that remains no matter lose or win. Overall, it was all a very nice experience to me and I'm very happy i got to experience intramurals again for a long time.


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