March 23, 2024, Saturday was our science fair. This program was organized by WANDERING MINDS INTERACTIVE MOBILE EXHIBITS.  They had at least 3 stations to go through and explore more about what's happening to our world. First station was talking about climate change. Second station was talking about how the planet Mars can be a substitute planet to the earth, and the final station was watching the space dome.  It was about 4 years ago when I experienced this program. It's amazing how I'm experiencing this again with my classmates. In this blog I will discuss my experience for science fair 2024. 

           Let me start by saying that at the first station I went to, they talked about climate change, global events, and how human actions are changing the planet. The electric shock is what I remember this place the most. To try it on, we were first split into two groups. We formed a circle, and two people touched the box with a magnet on top of it while the rest of us held hands. We all got electric shocks when the facilitator stated "hephep," to which we replied "hooray."  The feeling was so shocking and weird because I haven't tried being electrocuted before. Well, it didn't really shock me, but what really shocked me was when we were going to put our two fingers individually at the top of the box, well I didn't expect the feeling to be extreme because it only felt light when we were holding hands as a group, so I wasn't really scared. But when it was my time already to put my two fingers in the box, the electric shock became more stronger than before which resulted for me to react and back off directly and immediately.  This part of the activity reminded me of the topic about neurons. Sensory neurons take in when I see the object and was scared to touch. The Interneurons take in when I'm deciding when do I touch the object and lastly the motor neurons take in place when I touched the object, and it electrocuted me, and I immediately backed off.  In the group activity one I observe that when it is by group you can feel the stinging feeling but not how high the voltage it is when it's only you.

             The next station I visited, was discussing about how planet Mars can be a substitute planet to Earth.  It was very unbelievable that Mars can be our escape planet.  Mars can be a substitute a planet to earth since it is having a lot of similarities such as day length and seasonal cycle, although it only needs a little bit of changing so we can escape and live there.  To make their work easier and not go to the mars anymore to investigate things, the scientists or astronauts made a robot called Perseverance to investigate more on what's on Mars.  At this station they also showed us what the astronauts eat in space and what they ride on.  it is very interesting since I thought like us.


        The last and final station was the space dome where we're going to go inside the dome, squat, watch, and exploring the whole world.  This part of the science fair was my favorite since I learned a lot about more things that is happening to the elements of the periodic table, stars, animals. sun, moon and many more.  I learned that the stars could form into shapes and symbolize something, stars represent the zodiac signs and Greek gods. 

Here's a quick short video for my experience at the science fair:

      Overall, my experience in the science fair was so fun, it is once again another memorable memory of me and our classmates that we will forever cherish. Thank you for Wandering Minds for this program.  The staffs were friendly and very kind.  My heart is happy that I got to experience this again as a grade 10 student, last year of high school together with my lovely classmates, friends, and teacher. It was a 10/10 overall experience and I will keep this memory forever in my heart.

"The more you know, the more you realize you don't know." - Aristotle


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